If You Have Existing Tattoo Done By Another Business, Please Do Not Book Any Services Without First Sending Us Photos For Our Approval

The day before your appointment please give your eyebrows and the skin around a light exfoliate as this allows for better pigment retention. The day of your appointment please avoid exercise completely. Please arrive makeup free on the forehead area. Some clients may organise their lashes to be refilled before their tattoo booking so they feel balanced while healing (DO NOT WEAR LASH EXTENSIONS IF GETTING EYELINER). It is best suited to wear black clothing as pigment can sometimes flick around and we don't want to damage your clothing but this is entirely up to you. You may bring headphones to ease your comfort if you are nervous. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes late as we can not accommodate for late arrivals and you will lose your deposit - allow more than adequate time for traffic and parking. There is plenty of free parking located in front and next to the shopfront. The salon is next door to Australia Post.

If English is your additional language, please ensure you have an interpreter to help you read and understand the terms and conditions and to help you with booking the correct appointment. We strongly advise bringing a companion on the day to assist with the consultation process so we can ensure you understand and consent to the procedure.


In the treatment room, we will only allow yourself to enter so please arrive solo. We also have a no children policy in place.

The following should be strictly avoided 2 days prior to your appointment (no less):

  • ALL Caffeine inc. energy drinks, coffee, tea, pre work outs

  • Alcohol

  • Aspirin, Ibuprofen - read the ingredients in your pain killers to check before taking

  • Avoid spices that can thin the blood eg. chilli (the day of your booking)

  • Facial waxing/brow tinting

The following should be strictly avoided 7 days prior to your appointment (no less):

  • ​Fish oils

  • All blood thinners (let us know if you are on any medications you are unsure about)

  • Facials/peels

The following should be avoided 2 weeks prior to your appointment:

  • Heavy Sun exposure. The sun increases blood flow and brings it towards the surface of the skin which will make you bleed throughout your procedure) DO
    NOT come in sunburnt to your appointment - your cosmetic tattoo will not retain well.

  • Solarium tanning

  • Botox (if getting brows tattooed)

This information provided is to minimize bleeding throughout the procedure. Preparation for your appointment is vital for good retention. If you do not follow this information provided then you may need extra touch up sessions at your own cost. Bleeding pushes out the colour that we are implanting into your skin. If you have any queries regarding the information provided then please contact us as asking is always best.


Aftercare instructions will be provided to you on the day of your appointment.  After care consists of following detailed instructions for 7-10 days following your cosmetic tattoo procedure. Correctly followed aftercare and pre care is 90% of the healed result. Please make sure you do not book your appointments when you have any major events or holidays within a week of your procedure as you cannot wear makeup in the treatment area tattooed, you cannot be in the sun and you cannot wet area for 7-10 days. Exercise/heavy sweating is not allowed until all scabbing falls off (around 10 days max). We recommend you book your 6 week touch up session when you book your first appointment because if you wait until you come in store then you may not get in within 6 weeks.  If your 6 week touch up is not done within a 3 month period then you will need to pay the 3-6 month touch up cost instead. We get booked out 3-6 months in advance normally so if you can not get in for your touch up before 3 months due to rescheduling or not giving adequate time then these charges will still apply.


True results are not revealed until 28 days after each session. Please be mindful that all skin heals differently and results vary through each individual. We tattoo everyone exactly the same way so if you do not achieve the same results as someone else it is because this is a skin dependent procedure. Please remember to be 100% happy with your tattoo before leaving your touch up appointments as further charges will apply if you require a 3rd touch up. READ THE AFTERCARE that is provided to you thoroughly on the day.


​Lips may swell for the first 24 hours so it is best that you ice them as soon as you get home if swelling has appeared. Lips will start to be dark, dry and flakey from day 2-3, this is normal. You will need to apply the after care balm we supply daily until all flakey skin has naturally fallen off (DO NOT PULL OR PICK AT ANY OF IT - WILL CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE AND SCARRING). A touch up will be needed in about 4-6 weeks time to correct any pigment that did not retain. The inner part of the lips is a wet area and normally always needs the touch up session to really hold and the lip line can sometimes heal a little stronger in some people which can take a month or so to settle in and soften.

If you have ever had a coldsore then you you are a carrier of the virus and it is best that you take some coldsore defence tablets leading up to the procedure, if not then after to avoid getting one. The trauma that comes from tattooing the lips will resurface the virus so it is best to be safe and take them prior to your appointment that way if it comes up you do not ruin your results. A coldsore can make a lip tattoo heal patchy in that first session which can be corrected in the 4-6 week touch up session. Sometimes further sessions are required at the clients cost as everyones skin may retain differently.


Do not come to the appointment with any eye make up or lash extensions. We recommend you have the procedure done when you have no commitments/work for the day after your booking as eyes can be sensitive due to it being a delicate area. You can not apply make up on the area at all while healing.